Our Team

Team Members

Our People Define Our Success

jamie tatge leisurehotels web
Jamie Tatge
President / New Business Development
Bethwilson Leisure
Beth Wilson
Field Support
kate williams leisurehotels
Kate Williams
Lesliedahl Profile Web
Leslie Dahl
Operations Support
Stacy Vanbatavia Web
Stacy VanBatavia
Marketing Coordinator
jesse westberg web
Jesse Westberg
Task Force Manager
stacy wahlstrom leisurehotels
Stacey Wahlstrom
Corporate Controller
hs1 sized
Kaicy Sweeney
Chief Financial Officer
jondriscoll leisurehotels web
Jon Driscoll
Director of Operations
Garyendicott Profile Web
Gary Endicott
Senior Strategic Advisor
jenmorgan leisurehotels teamimg
Jen Morgan
Revenue Manager
hailee biopage img
Hailee Soval
Human Resources Coordinator

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